Ki jan yo jwenn plis fè ak tan bloke

Kòm demann pou tan nou an ap ogmante, yon sèl bagay se evidan: nou bezwen jwenn pi bon nan jesyon tan. Pandan ke jesyon tan efikas ka difisil, si ou jwenn li byen, ou pral kapab jwenn plis fè, pi vit.

Tan bloke se yon teknik jesyon tan pwisan ki te itilize pa pèfòmè segondè pou syèk. Itilize kòrèkteman, li ka ede w òganize jounen w, konsantre sou priyorite w yo epi vin pi pwodiktif.

Nan atik sa a, nou pral bay yon apèsi sou bloke tan, ba ou zouti yo kreye pwòp sistèm tan-bloke ou epi pataje kèk konsèy sou sa ki fè ak sa ki pa travay lè w ap mete orè ou.

Ki sa ki bloke tan (ak ki jan li travay)?

Tan bloke enplike nan kraze yon peryòd de tan (tankou jou travay ou) nan pi piti, blòk pi jere. Lè sa a, chak nan blòk sa yo deziyen yon travay sèl, ede ou konsantre sou li pi efikas.

Pou egzanp, ou ta ka divize yon jounen uit èdtan an blòk 30 minit. Lè sa a, ou ta deziyen travay tankou ” prospèksyon lavant ” oswa “ekri kontni sosyal” nan chak blòk.

Olye pou yo gen yon lis ouvè pou fè, tout bagay planifye davans. Li se efektivman yon konbinezon de yon kalandriye ak yon lis pou fè. Avèk yon orè konkrè, ou pa bezwen dedye espas nan sèvo a ki travay ou bezwen fè pwochen, diminye fatig desizyon epi asire pa gen anyen glise nan fant yo.

Gen twa kalite tan bloke:

Tan boksè se pwosesis pou bloke tan pou konsantre sou travay patikilye. Nan chak bwat tan, yon travay pral gen yon kantite maksimòm tan ke ou ka konsantre sou li. Gen kèk moun ki jwenn ke sa ede yo vin pi pwodiktif paske li anpeche yo pase plis tan pase sa nesesè sou yon travay bay yo.

Tach par se metòd yo itilize pou gwoupe travay menm jan yo ansanm pou yo fini nan menm delè a. Sa a ede limite konbyen lajan ou chanje ant diferan aktivite pandan jounen an, ki ekonomize tan epi ede diminye pèt atansyon.

Tematik jou se tankou travay lo

men pou tout jou. Li enplike mete sou kote jou antye pou diferan kalite responsablite. Pou egzanp, lidè maketing yo ka deside fè travay estrateji ak rechèch nan Lendi, Lè sa a, pwomosyon kontni nan Madi.

Anpil antreprenè remakab te deklare ke Bibliyotèk Nimewo Telefòn  teknik tan-bloke yo te enpòtan anpil pou siksè yo, tankou Elon Musk, Bill Gates ak Benjamin Franklin.

On Monday at both companies I focus on management and running the company. We have our directional meeting at Square and we have our OpCom meeting at Twitter. I do all my management one-on-ones on that day. Tuesday is focused on product. Wednesday is focused on marketing and communications and growth.

 Bibliyotèk Nimewo Telefòn

Time blocking is nothing new

and it’s been used by powerful people to be productive, but how does it work exactly?

How time blocking can increase productivity
Time blocking is effective because it helps 当使用开放框架和开放文件格式时 avoid the daily hurdles that reduce our focus. When you’re constantly being pulled in different directions, time blocking helps by giving you more control over your day.

Time blocking boosts productivity by

Helping you focus on what’s important. By prioritizing the most important tasks in the chunks of time when you’re most productive, you’re increasing your chances of getting them done. It also lets you power through the necessary but less important tasks more efficiently, leaving time and mental energy for the higher-impact work.

Stopping you from multitasking. Multitasking 加拿大电子邮件线索  doesn’t work. Time blocking lets you focus on a single task rather than splitting your attention across many. Likewise, when you’ve set aside time to check your emails or answer messages on Slack, you won’t give in to the urge to check them every five minutes.


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